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How can Software Engineering Capacity Planning help you?

Software Engineering Capacity Planning is the process of determining how much capacity is available for delivery. However, Sustainable Software Engineering Capacity Planning isn't just about understanding what you have. It has to be about where your business is heading.

What is Capacity Planning

Capacity Planning is defined as forecasting how much capacity is needed to meet the current and future demands for software engineering or any other service. It can be done in several ways, including forecasting capacity requirements for responding to periodic change, making commitments on what capacity is to be acquired, and assessing after-action reports for lessons learned.

Why Capacity Planning is Important

Software Engineering Capacity Planning ensures that you can sustain your application with the available resources. Capacity planning might be different for every company, but the basics are always the same - figuring out what it takes to run things smoothly. Without this information, you could end up with an overworked team of engineers, slowing down productivity and adding more time to projects.

How Capacity Planning can Remove Stress

Software Capacity Planning is the predictive management of resources required to meet software demands. Resources may include time, people, budget, and bandwidth. You also need to know how much work can be done in a given period. This way, stakeholders can decide what prioritization trade-offs they should make.

Costs of developing a software product without a capacity plan

Software product development begins on a napkin and ends with a checked box. Software company executives know the timeline is unreliable due to their extensive experience. A business can’t succeed on its own when schedules break promises without any contingency plan in place.

A poorly planned software effort means developers will have to work more hours, driving them up overtime while sacrificing the quality of service. There is a direct link between overtime and eroded productivity.

If a developer spends at least 30 hours a week working extra time, deadlines will slip or jump by 5% from one year to the next.


Capacity planning software can help your team manage project timing, downtimes, budget, resources, and risks. One way to stay ahead of the Capacity planning curve is to hire Framework Science, a proprietary technology platform that helps build software engineering teams from Mexico cost-effectively with greater certainty, service continuity, and capacity predictability than no other Vendor can provide.