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Why we prefer Structured software engineering Interviews in Mexico

In light of our Executive Leadership, extensive research on the topic for the past 20 years, and examples of external research such as [ Article 1][White Paper], the Framework Science hiring teams experimented with structured interviews starting with select groups. As a result, the practice is expanding, and the outcomes are very positive. A structured interview approach is being used to create structured interview questions and rubrics for various roles and train interviewers.

So far, what are the results being seen by the team?

  • In terms of predicting job performance, structured interviews are more accurate than unstructured interviews: When comparing interview scores to subsequent performance scores of those hired, structured interviews are more predictive than unstructured interviews.
  • Saving time and making interviewers happier: Pre-made, high-quality questions, guides, and rubrics can save 40 minutes per interview. When conducting structured interviews, FS Technical Teams felt more prepared.
  • Candidates are more satisfied with structured interviews: The feedback score for candidates in structured interviews has improved. When two rejected candidates were compared, scores showed a colossal difference in candidate satisfaction rates. Rejected candidates who had a structured interview were 35% happier than those who did not have a structured interview.